An OUI Lawyer Can Help Minimize the Impact on Your Future
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An OUI Lawyer Can Help Minimize the Impact on Your Future

OUI (also known as DUI) is a serious criminal charge that can have severe consequences if convicted. An experienced OUI lawyer can help minimize the impact on your future by avoiding a conviction.

An OUI defense attorney can challenge the prosecution’s case through various legal and evidentiary strategies. These include challenges to the stop, evidence and breath test results.
Representation in Court

OUI is also known as driving under the influence (DUI) and operating while intoxicated (OWI). A conviction of these crimes can have a variety of serious consequences including loss of job, relationship breakdowns and community stigmatization.

A qualified OUI lawyer can help to protect your rights and minimize the consequences. They can work to dismiss charges, reduce penalties or explore alternative sentencing options like enrollment in alcohol education programs.

They will meticulously review all evidence against you, including police reports, witness statements and chemical blood test results. They will also scrutinize police procedures to ensure they followed proper protocol, which could provide a basis for challenging the prosecution’s case.

An OUI lawyer will often file motions at the arraignment phase to suppress evidence. This can include a motion to suppress breath test results or a search of the vehicle based on a violation of your Constitutional Rights. It may also include a motion to request additional discovery, such as cell phone records or medical files for someone involved in the incident.
Strategic Negotiation

Negotiation is a valuable skill, whether it’s helping to smooth the way for business acquisitions or finding ways to get a better deal at the bargaining table. But there is a difference between strategic and tactical negotiation. Strategic negotiations involve a well-thought-out plan and are focused on achieving a mutually beneficial outcome. This is a high-level approach to negotiations that can help organisations build stronger relationships and achieve long-term success.

Tactics, on the other hand, focus on the specific actions, manoeuvres and techniques negotiators employ to achieve a strategic objective. A tactic may be a statement of value, an appeal to emotions or a strategy for avoiding power struggles. It is important that the selected tactics align with the overall strategic direction to ensure consistency and coherence throughout the Negotiation process. Similarly, they should be adaptable and responsive to evolving circumstances and dynamics. This enables negotiators to effectively respond and maximise the value of their efforts.
Avoiding a Conviction

An OUI conviction can have a devastating impact on your life. It may result in jail time, significant fines and a loss of driving privileges. It can also compromise future employment opportunities and raise insurance rates.

A skilled OUI lawyer can fight to prevent a conviction and minimize the effects of a charge on your life. They can negotiate with the prosecution to explore plea bargains, reduced charges and alternative sentencing, such as a shorter license suspension or enrollment in a driver alcohol education program.

A lawyer who understands the intricacies of Massachusetts OUI law, including the complex licensing issues involving the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV), is essential to successful defense. Attorney Matthew Gilman worked as an RMV hearing officer before founding his firm, and he is dedicated to providing straightforward legal counsel. He can help you pursue a hardship license, allowing you to drive for work and support your family during the 45 to 90-day license suspension that comes with a first offense OUI arrest.


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