Chakra Jewelry

Chakra Jewelry

Chakra jewelry focuses on the seven energy centers in your body. The word chakra means spinning wheels, and these energy centres are referred to in ancient Egyptian and Middle Eastern texts.

Choose from our range of chakra jewellery to help you achieve emotional balance and spiritual enlightenment. Find a chakra necklace at Conscious Items that resonates with your root chakra or connect to your intuition with an ethereal rainbow moonstone ring.

If you’ve ever taken a yoga class or had an energy healing session like reiki, you’ve likely heard of chakras. These mystical concepts are believed to be energy centers in the body, with each chakra associated with certain feelings and emotions. When a chakra is blocked, it may cause physical or emotional issues.

There are several different beliefs about chakras, but most believe there are seven main ones that form a line up the spine. They’re thought to control things from basic urges to spiritual enlightenment.

The word “chakra” is Sanskrit for “wheel,” and they’re often depicted as spinning discs or vortexes of energy. They’re a part of ancient Hindu belief systems that describe a physical body and a subtle body that consists of energy. Practitioners say that unblocking or balancing chakras helps improve health and well-being. However, the exact way this works isn’t fully understood. Researchers believe it’s possible that chakra-based therapies work through the placebo effect, where a person’s own thoughts and beliefs create genuine improvements in symptoms.

Precious and semi-precious gemstones are thought to carry special symbolism, healing properties and energies. Some believe that wearing a particular gem can help attract wealth, success or love. Others use a gemstone to heal specific issues such as anxiety or insomnia.

Each gemstone has a unique color and is associated with a specific planet. These stones are believed to channel and enhance the positive traits of a specific planetary influence while mitigating the negative effects.

Choosing the right gemstone for astrological purposes requires consulting an experienced astrologer. They will analyze your chart and recommend the best gemstone to match your personality. In addition, the quality of the stone is important. It must be genuine and of good clarity. It should also be cleansed and activated regularly to maintain its effectiveness. A few methods for this include moonlight bathing, saltwater cleansing and mantra chanting. Moreover, you should wear your gemstone jewelry on the corresponding chakra point to reap maximum benefits.

Chakra jewelry can be a great way to keep your energy balanced. It can also help you focus during meditation and increase your spiritual connection. Many people choose to wear chakra bracelets, but you can find necklaces, earrings and rings as well. When choosing chakra jewelry, look for crystals that correspond with the color of each chakra.

Root Chakra – Hematite
Sacral Chakra – Carnelian, tiger’s eye and orange calciteSolar Plexus Chakra – Citrine, yellow topaz, pyrite and jadeHeart Chakra – Rose quartz, amazonite, green tourmaline, peridot and malachiteBrow Chakra – Sodalite, azurite and blue lace agateCrown Chakra – Clear quartz and selenite

Each day, we are influenced by different energies that deplete us or make us feel calm and at peace. Wearing chakra gemstones like these enables your body to eliminate negative vibes and calm the sensory system. This leads to better health, less headaches and migraine and increased mindfulness.

Crystals and gemstones can absorb energies from their environment. It is important to cleanse your chakra bracelets at least once a day to ensure they are clear of negative energy and in alignment with your intentions.

Using water to cleanse is one of the most effective ways to purify and refresh your crystal jewelry. You can simply place the stone in a bowl of water for a few minutes or run it under cold running water. Be sure to dry the stone thoroughly afterward.

You can also use visualization and meditation methods to cleanse your bracelets. Start by grounding and balancing your own energy, then hold the crystal in your hand and visualize it filling with radiant white light. Envision this light penetrating the stone, flushing away all impurities and leaving it clear and shining bright.

Another great way to cleanse your bracelets is by smudging them with white sage. You can find sage in dried form or bundle some fresh sage leaves into a smudging stick and use it to clean your bracelets.


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