How to Write a Salary Increase Request Letter

When it’s time to negotiate a salary increase, an employee needs to put their request in writing. This gives the company formal documentation and helps them avoid misunderstandings. It’s also helpful if a raise is ultimately denied or a lower pay bump is agreed upon. Writing a letter may also help the employee feel better about the situation, which can ease tension between them and their boss.

A salary increase request letter should start with a polite greeting and the recipient’s name. It should be addressed to the person who manages salary raises, bonuses, and other compensation decisions. If you’re unsure who that is, ask your manager or HR department for assistance.

This first paragraph should state the general purpose of the letter and let your manager know that you’d like to have a conversation about a salary increase. Then, give your reason for the request. For example, do you need more money to cover rising expenses? Is it because you’ve stepped up to take on more responsibilities?

In the second paragraph, list all your accomplishments and explain why you deserve a raise. This could include milestones reached, measurable improvements to the business, and major achievements. This section should be as comprehensive as possible and should feature both qualitative and quantitative measures whenever possible. For example, if you’re requesting a higher salary, provide information about industry wage trends for your job title and experience level and compare those to your existing wage.

Be sure to include any accolades you’ve received or exemplary reviews from co-workers. This will help your manager understand the value you bring to the company. It’s important to focus on accomplishments that occurred after you last negotiated your salary.

The third paragraph should clearly state the amount of the raise you’re requesting. This can be an exact number, a percentage, or a range. If you’re unsure how to frame your request, talk to the company’s HR department or conduct salary research online. If your company doesn’t provide these services, it may still be worth doing some self-research to find out the average wage for your role and location.

In the final paragraph, restate your request and thank your manager for considering your request. If you want to be more persuasive, offer an alternative to a monetary salary boost such as additional vacation days or a four-day work week. These perks are often easier for the company to provide than additional cash. Additionally, they can be an excellent way to demonstrate your dedication to the company and prevent turnover.Increase salary request


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