League of Legends Lecture – 3 Basic League of Legends Principles

League of Legends Lecture – 3 Basic League of Legends Principles

League of Legends is a popular video game with millions of players and esports tournaments that attract over 100 million viewers. It’s also a time sink that can distract and detract from school, work, and family life.

Riot’s newest champion, Kai’sa, is an example of hypersexualization in LoL. She is a buxom, cleavage-emphasizing woman dressed in skintight clothing. This meets Bell (2017) conditions of both sexual objectification and character dehumanization.
Learn the Game Fundamentally

League of Legends is an incredibly complex video game, and mastering it requires time and dedication. However, a few basic principles can help you improve quickly and learn some valuable life lessons along the way.

The key is to play to your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, and go for asymmetric battles. In League of Legends, this means pushing with Baron minions instead of trying to take a full enemy base. It also means maximizing your damage by using champions with high attack damage or CC abilities and exploiting market inefficiencies.

NicoThePico is a former LCS coach with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics & Leadership. He has a passion for coaching and helping players stand out in the competitive eSports scene. In this course, he will cover the 3 most important aspects of improving your League of Legends game. The first is learning the basics of your champion, the second is learning the basics of your team, and the third is understanding the nuances of the item system.
Learn the Basics of Your Champion

In a standard League of Legends match, ten players are split into two teams and battle each other on a map called Summoner’s Rift. Each player controls a champion with unique abilities and playstyles.

Getting familiar with your champion’s basic skills will help you make informed decisions during the game. Figure out what abilites gain meaningful damage or utility with higher levels and prioritize maxing them. Determine which abilties are “1 point wonders” that don’t get significant power increases with increased leveling and rank these last.

Understand your champion’s power spikes (and power slumps). Some champions are strong in certain phases of the game due to their kit, such as Azir’s early and late-game dominance or Zed’s ability to zone off opponents. Understanding these phase-based strengths and weaknesses will further increase your champion proficiency. Additionally, learning the difference between a good and bad version of your champion will help you improve. For example, a good Riven will auto-cancel consistently, while a bad one doesn’t.
Learn the Basics of Your Team

Unlike many other video games, winning on Summoner’s Rift requires more than flashy moves and high KDAs. Secondary objectives, such as destroying structures, putting pressure on the enemy, and warding strategically important areas, are just as crucial to victory as champion kills and laning well. Former LCS coach NicoThePico takes you through 3 of the most important aspects of League of Legends.

Through this class, students will think critically and analytically regarding a range of topics related to League of Legends gameplay, eSports, and psychology. Students will spend class time discussing and analyzing professional-level play, as well as apply what they learn outside of class to improve their own gameplay through weekly homework assignments. Students will also develop their ability to understand and interpret statistical analysis through the use of crowdsourced data and quantitative analysis.롤대리


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